Interteam to Communicate International ResponDrone Project
May 16, 2019 — Interteam Content Services has been chosen by the international ResponDrone project to oversee all communication, visibility and dissemination activities.
The European Union (EU) and the Korean government have awarded €8.3 million to the ResponDrone consortium, which is composed of 20 partners from 12 countries, to develop and apply a situational awareness system in emergency situations, providing critical information and communication services to first responders.

The three-year project aims to develop an integrated solution for first responders to easily enhance their situation assessment capacity and their own protection. This will, together with other means, include the integration of a fleet of drones that can be operated by a single pilot, during multiple synchronized missions to enhance their situation assessment capacity and protection.
The ResponDrone system will simplify and accelerate situation assessment, information sharing, decision-making and operations management. Moreover, it will deliver high quality information to any involved control center through an intelligent, accessible web-based system, which can be operated from a remote site. In addition, it will serve as an on-demand airborne communications network to allow people on the ground to communicate with the command center in case of cellular coverage collapse.